Dr Christian Jessen

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Dr Christian Jessen


About Dr Christian Jessen...

Dr Christian Jessen is a renowned health campaigner who seamlessly combines his medical expertise with a successful media career, making him a prominent influencer in health and wellbeing campaigns. He is deeply involved with charities such as the Terrence Higgins Trust, Ditch the Label and Battersea Dogs & Cats Home, demonstrating his dedication to making health information accessible and raising awareness on critical health issues.

As a familiar television personality, Dr Jessen has hosted acclaimed health-related programs like "Dr Christian Will See You Now", "Dr Christian: 12 Hours to Cure Your Street", "Embarrassing Bodies" and "Supersize vs Superskinny". His documentaries, including "Undercover Doctor: Cure Me I’m Gay" and "How the Rich Live Longer", alongside co-hosting roles on "Drugs Live" and "Stand Up to Cancer", have sparked important public conversations and cemented his credibility in the health domain.

Dr. Jessen is also a prolific writer, contributing regularly to health columns and authoring several books aimed at educating the public, particularly adolescents, on health matters. His notable works include "Dr Christian’s Guide to Growing Up", "Dr Christian’s Guide to Dealing with the Tricky Stuff" and "Dr Christian’s Guide to You". His publications emphasise his commitment to empowering individuals with knowledge about their health and wellbeing.

With a medical degree from University College London and a Master's degree in sexual health, Dr. Jessen's expertise is particularly focused on HIV and malaria, drawing from his work in Kenya and Uganda. His role as the National HIV Testing Week Ambassador underscores his dedication to HIV education and testing. Additionally, as an atheist, humanist and Patron of Humanists UK, Dr Jessen champions secularism, equality and human rights, adding a personal dimension to his advocacy. His openness about his muscle dysmorphia makes him relatable to many, further enhancing his influence as a trusted figure in health and wellbeing campaigns.

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