Our Awards

Influencer Matchmaker has earned numerous prestigious awards, acknowledging our success as a leading entity in the industry. Our commitment to excellence is mirrored in these recognitions, a testament to the outstanding service we consistently provide.

Influencer Matchmaker is a proud member of The Agents' Association, a prestigious body established in 1927. This association represents the pinnacle of professional ethics and standards in the industry, a commitment we diligently uphold.

In 2015, The Telegraph named Influencer Matchmaker in its '1000 Britain’s Brightest Businesses' list, honouring mid-sized companies that thrived despite economic challenges. This accolade underscores Influencer Matchmaker's remarkable growth and resilience, marking us as a key player in the UK's economic recovery.

One year later, Influencer Matchmaker was recognised as the 57th fastest-growing business in the UK by The Sunday Times Fast Track 100. This prestigious ranking highlights private UK businesses with the most rapid sales growth over three years, showcasing Influencer Matchmaker's exceptional innovation, creativity, and service.

Influencer Matchmaker has been recognised as the 3rd top company on the Insider Growth 100 Table for two consecutive years. This prestigious ranking celebrates businesses exhibiting consistent growth and strong market presence. Achieving a remarkable 700% increase in turnover since 2008, Influencer Matchmaker exemplifies sustained success and influence in the region. This award highlights those who have succeeded, and keep succeeding!

Recognising businesses transforming industries and leading the UK's entrepreneurial movement, we have also been honoured as a winner of the inaugural Santander Breakthrough 50 Awards. This award, established by Santander and Smarta, celebrates the UK's fastest-growing, most inspiring businesses driving economic growth.

Here at Influencer Matchmaker, we take great pride in the accolades and awards earned over recent years. These honours not only symbolise our dedication and excellence in the industry but also inspire us to continue delivering exceptional services and forging influential connections in the dynamic world of digital influence.