Michael Finch

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Michael Finch


About Michael Finch...

Michael is a beauty influencer from Australia and has become a part of the new era of male beauty influencers online. As a qualified makeup artist and someone who is passionate about all things beauty, Michael shares various makeup tutorials on his YouTube channel.

Starting his YouTube career back in 2014, Michael quickly rose to fame. At one point in his YouTube career, Michael was part of a 15-person panel made up of YouTubers such as Kodi Brown, Lukus, and Kimmi Smiles for a 2015 Vintage YouTube Melbourne After Party event.

Not only does Michael use his social media platforms to share makeup tutorials, but he also shares insightful reviews of beauty products to help his audience find the right products for them. This makes him the perfect influencer to promote a new makeup or beauty range for a brand.

Taking to Instagram to share his stunningly creative makeup looks, Michael has proven that experimenting with makeup can be for everyone. Male or female, Michael stresses the importance of freedom with beauty and makeup and spreads a positive message about individual creativity.

To collaborate with Michael Finch or to find out more about how male beauty influencers can impact your brand marketing campaign, contact Influencer Matchmaker via email at contact@influencermatchmaker.co.uk. Alternatively, call one of our dedicated matchmakers on 0203 9580 427.

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