Jess Conte

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Jess Conte

About Jess Conte...

Jess is an Australian Youtuber who currently resides in Florida and has been uploading to the platform for more than seven years. Her career began as she uploaded covers of popular songs, showcasing her incredible singing voice, and ever since, her online presence has continued to blossom.

Passionate about beauty, Jess worked as a makeup artist before finding fame as an influencer. Jess continues to pursue her interest in beauty as she regularly shares updated makeup and skincare routines.

As well as beauty, Jess is a lover of fashion, too. Taking to Instagram, Jess shares her Favourite outfits, showcasing her style for cosy days at home and days at the beach.

Since creating a successful online career and meeting her American husband Gabriel, Jess has spent much of her time in LA, as well as regularly visiting friends and family in Australia. However, more recently, Jess and Gabriel announced that they had moved to Florida.

Travelling is one of Jess’ favourite thing to do, especially with Gabriel. The loved-up couple have travelled all around the world together, vlogging and documenting their adventures for YouTube.

As a popular influencer couple, Jess and Gabriel also have their own YouTube channel with more than 3.2 million subscribers. From fun and hilarious challenges and pranks to music covers and life updates, Jess and Gabriel are a force to be reckoned with.

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Email 0203 9580 427

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