Ben Nuttall

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Ben Nuttall


About Ben Nuttall...

Ben Nuttall is a professional football freestyler, best known for his popular YouTube channel which shares some of the 'best skills' on the platform. Having been active on the platform for many years now, he has become extremely popular for sharing his football development, including areas such as goal scoring, football challenges, and brand collaborations.

Widely recognised for having the ‘best skills on YouTube’, Ben has currently gained 1.65M followers on his channel. Utilising this space to create fun, football content, he has taken the industry by storm for many years and has become one of the leading football influencers in the field.

An incredibly talented sportsman, Ben has claimed 3x Guinness World Records throughout his career to date, most recently completing most football touches in one minute whilst wearing 5 kg ankle weights. His unrivalled freestyle football abilities have inspired audiences around the world to push their mental and physical resilience to the extremes, no matter the goals they are looking to achieve.

His natural sporting passion has been recognised by brands such as Boohoo Man, JD, Nike, and Spotify, allowing him to become one of the most highly sought-after professionals in the industry.

To collaborate with Ben Nuttall or to find out more about how football influencers can impact your brand’s latest marketing and social media campaigns, contact Influencer Matchmaker via email at Alternatively, call one of our dedicated matchmakers on 0203 9580 427.

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